
Posted by EarthDragon on 22nd August 2015.

Dvati are a strange race of humanoid creatures found in small enclaves scattered throughout the world and across the planes. All dvati are born identical twins, with the pair sharing a single soul between them. Dvati lore holds that their souls are so powerful that a single, mortal vessel is too weak to contain them. Thus their minds occupy two bodies. Typically peaceful folk, dvati are concerned more with philosophy and art than material pleasures. Much of their culture centre on the close link between a dvati pair. A pair of twins might paint a mural together, with each twin starting from one end and meeting in the middle to finish the creation. Dvati twins debate philosophy with each other with an eye toward not only uncovering higher truths but also questioning and exploring their own beliefs, attitudes, and preconceptions. While dvati enjoy intellectual pursuits, they are capable warriors and hard workers. They consider archery, fencing and similar combat talents art forms worthy of study. Dvati twins duel with each other to press their talents and hone their abilities. The natural link between dvati twins makes them a deadly team, and the small but powerful dvati military units (which have been absorbed as a unit within The Unification Army) are renowned for their tactical coordination. Many times in the past, a tiny dvati force has defeated a much larger contingent of The Fallen.


Dvati are typically serene, intellectually energetic and curious. They tend to avoid conflict and are well suited to a role of peacemaker or diplomat. When faced with two sides in a conflict, a dvati splits their twins. Each twin speaks from one side, finds areas of argument with the other, smooths over disagreements, and brings the two sides together. Dvati have a strong sense of duality in all things. They excel at seeing both sides of an argument. When faced with a problem, a dvati is likely to spend time considering multiple approaches from different angles. A dvati who must move a boulder that blocks a cave stands in front of it and surveys the scene. Meanwhile, the other twin climbs above the stone, looks at the stone from above, and considers the same problem. To a dvati, one perspective is never enough.

   Physical Description

A dvati has a slight build, snowy-white skin, black hair, and solid blue eyes that lack irises or pupils. Dvati noses are little more than small slits that barely protrude from their faces. They have three fingers and opposable thumbs. Most humanoids find a dvati’s appearance – particularly their unwavering eyes – slightly unnerving. Dvati are acutely aware of this, and many of them wear hooded cloaks around strangers.


Dvati get along well with most other races. Their ability to understand and appreciate different perspectives leads them to accept the differences in others with open mind. Outcast half-orcs and half-elves sometimes find homes in dvati communities. Of all the races, elves mingle best with dvati. Dvati respect the elves’ long-term view of history, their art, and their culture (such of it as it remains after the amalgamation into The Unification). Elves see dvati as fascinating creatures with a welcome appreciation of intellectual and artistic concerns.


Most dvati are neutral, as they prefer a balanced approach to issues of morality. Many are also good. Being closely linked twins reminds dvati of the connections between all living things. They know that greed and unbridled ambition lead only to misery. Evil dvati are almost utterly unknown. The link between two twins is too strong for any dvati to elevate himself above all others to the degree that evil promotes. Villainous dvati do exist in small numbers, however, and tend toward lawful evil.

   Dvati Racial Traits