Half-Breed, K'aith

Posted by EarthDragon on 22nd August 2015.

All elven races are related, though it may be a distant relationship. Once, all elves were of one race, many thousands of years prior to the emergence of humans, when they were a slave race to mysterious and dark masters of whom they do not willingly speak. Over the aeons of their bondage, they splintered into sub-racial groups, which further split after the events leading to the disappearance of their masters and the breaking of their slavery (events in which the elves took no part, and have no more knowledge of than any other race). All elves have an innate ability to recognise another elf, and identify which sub-type they belong to. This applies even when an elf has not encountered a particular sub-type for centuries (or, indeed, ever). This ability is an instant recognition that works even if an elf is masquerading as another sub-type through disguise or other non-magical means. This ability even has a chance to pierce magical disguises (such as illusions, and polymorph, though not shapechange). The elf who sees another elf under any form of magical disguise makes a Will saving throw against a DC of 15 + caster level of the magical disguise effect, less their Intelligence modifier.

The k’aith (meaning “Diminished One”), or half-elves of the campaign have no true home: They are regarded as outsiders in both the homes and culture of their human parent and of their elven parent. Unlike their parents, k’aith have no culture or community to call their own, but the flip-side to being an outsider is being able to come and go as you please. Just to get through the day in a world that regards them as half-breed mongrels, k’aith have become adept socially, using keen perception and a diplomatic demeanour to deflect prejudice.


K’aith usually tend to grow up as orphans or in broken homes, and most live uneasy lives in human or elven communities that don’t truly accept them. Thus a k’aith tends to be very loyal when they make friends.

   Physical Description

Generally k’aith look like thin humans, with slightly pointed ears. Sometimes they retain some other element of their elven heritage (which interestingly could be from any sub-race, but without variation in abilities in the offspring in light of these differences).


K’aith generally get along well with most other races, especially Kh’bon (half-dwarves), their fellow cross-breeds. They often grow frustrated with human and elven prejudice.


K'aith have no particular affinity for any alignment.

   K'aith Racial Traits