Half-Breed, K'han-Dush

Posted by EarthDragon on 22nd August 2015.

At the fringes of The Unification, there are humans, little more than barbarians, who are, from time to time, tainted by mixture with some of the lesser Fallen (namely orcs in this case). These K’han-Dush (defiled ones) are often exposed to the cultures of both parents. Whilst their origin derives from The Fallen, it must be said that, in many ways, the lesser Fallen involved in such relationships are more akin to tainted and twisted humans than to the rest of The Fallen, being perhaps captured and corrupted long in the past. Whatever the case, these tainted offspring nonetheless arise, and are frequently shunned by both societies. Many move deeper into The Unification, where they mingle with the untainted races and may, with time, even earn respect and courtesy in their own right, though they can never be Citizens. For the most part, society as a whole looks down on K’han-Dush as perverted examples of the corruption of the Taint and The Fallen.


K’han-Dush tend to be short-tempered and sullen. They would rather act than ponder and would rather fight than argue. Those who are successful, however, are those with enough self-control to live in a civilized land, not the crazy ones. K’han-Dush love simple pleasures such as feasting, drinking, boasting, singing, wrestling, drumming, and wild dancing. Refined enjoyments such as poetry, courtly dancing, and philosophy are lost on them. At the right sort of party, a K’han-Dush is an asset. At the duchess’s grand ball, he’s a liability, unless the intent is to crash said ball.

   Physical Description

K’han-Dush stand between 6 and 7 feet tall and usually weigh between 180 and 250 pounds. A K’han-Dush’s yellowish pigmentation, sloping forehead, jutting jaw, prominent teeth, and coarse body hair make his lineage plain for all to see. Many of The Fallen of the strain from which K’han-Dush arise like scars. They regard battle scars as tokens of pride and ornamental scars as things of beauty. Any K’han-Dush who has lived among or near such Fallen has scars, whether they are marks of shame indicating servitude and identifying the K’han-Dush‘s former owner, or marks of pride recounting conquests and high status. Such a K’han-Dush living among humans may either display or hide his scars, depending on his attitude toward them. K’han-Dush mature a little faster than humans and age noticeably faster. They reach adulthood at age 14, and few live longer than 75 years.


Because The Fallen are the sworn enemies of dwarves and elves, K’han-Dush can have a rough time with members of these races. For that matter, The Fallen aren’t exactly on good terms with almost any other race either. Each K’han-Dush finds a way to gain acceptance from those who hate or fear his Fallen cousins. Some K’han-Dush are reserved, trying not to draw attention to themselves. A few demonstrate piety and good-heartedness as publicly as they can (whether or not such demonstrations are genuine). Others simply try to be so tough that others have no choice but to accept them.


K’han-Dush inherit a tendency toward chaos from their Fallen parents, but, like their human parents, they favour good and evil in equal proportions. K’han-Dush raised among The Fallen and willing to live out their lives with them are usually the evil ones.

   K'han-Dush Racial Traits