Dwarf, Lo'menni

Posted by EarthDragon on 22nd August 2015.

Lo’menni are a type of dwarf, the most commonly known, in fact. Unlike the elves, dwarves are not as splintered, there being only two sub-races of dwarf, plus the half-dwarf, compared to five sub-races of elf, plus the half-elf. In spite of this, there is no great unification among dwarves and the sub-race divisions are predominantly along the line of “focused and largely indifferent to anything beyond my obsession” versus “evil, yeah, you heard it, evil”. The elves, by comparison, at least have some semblance of cultural diversity among their groupings.

A lo’menni’s chief love is toil. A lo’menni is never happier than when there is a cause to work or fight for, something that can be approached with stoic single-mindedness for weeks, months, years, or even decades at a time. Once a lo’menni’s mind is committed to a certain task, it will only be set aside after a great deal of grumbling and coercion. The fulfilment achieved upon completion of a lengthy task is what lo’menni strive for.

The task to which a lo’menni is presently committed is referred to as their focus. A lo’menni’s focus must be a feat requiring at least one week to complete. Shorter term goals cannot be considered a focus. While performing tasks related to the focus, a lo’menni receives a +1 bonus to all saving throws and a +2 bonus to all skill or feat checks related to the focus. A lo’menni’s commitment to the focus is based upon their physiology – those who complete their lives before they complete their foci live out their afterlives as bansidhes in the wastes, haunting their unfinished works for all eternity.


How a lo’menni behaves depends greatly on his focus, a single task that dominates every aspect of his life until it’s completed. Each lo’menni has a focus that guides his actions during every waking moment. A focus is usually a specific goal. If you’re roleplaying a lo’menni, you should be able to describe your current focus in a single sentence without a moment’s hesitation. You can change your focus simply by telling the DM, although most lo’menni don’t change their focus until the task is completed or it’s apparent that it never will be completed, as there are penalties associated with this (the lo’menni has a transition period of 1 week where all checks relating to the new and old focus take a penalty of -1 to saves, and -2 to skills and feats). Think carefully before deciding to choose a focus that’ll make your goals diverge from those of the other PCs. Your focus should make for interesting roleplaying, but it shouldn’t form a wedge between you and the other players.

   Physical Description

Lo’menni are short but extremely powerful. Lo’menni average 4 to 4½ feet in height and tend to have a very large muscle mass – a full grown lo’menni weighs in the neighbourhood of 200 pounds. -Lives of hard work in the hot sun leave them with a rich tan and rugged, callused hands and feet. Lo’menni can live up to 400 years. Lo’menni are totally hairless and find the concept of hair faintly (or extremely in some cases) repulsive.


A lo’menni takes notice of other beings based upon their focus. If the other being is also actively committed to the lo’menni’s focus, then they will be considered a sensible and dependable companion by the lo’menni. If, however, the other being is vehemently opposed to the lo’menni’s focus, the two will be irrevocably at odds until one or the other is dead. There is very little room for compromise in the mind of a lo’menni. The majority of lo’menni are of a lawful alignment due to their dedication to their focus, though other alignments are certainly not precluded as the dedication is biological rather than ideological. As a race, they tend not to get on with Anath (but then, most races don’t get on with Anath, even most other Anath). Because the focus is so central to a lo’menni’s being there are no other general trends definable when it comes to reacting to other characters in the game.


Lo’menni are usually lawful, and they tend to either neutral or good with respect to good and evil, but there are no hard and fast rules. The focus-driven nature of lo’menni virtually mandates lawful behaviours, but only in relation to the focus itself. Adventuring lo’menni can be of any alignment, but their focus remains their driving force, and they will do anything to achieve that focus, irrespective of alignment (though this does not mean they necessarily avoid the consequences of behaviours contrary to their stated alignment).

   Lo'menni Racial Traits