Half-Breed, Sandana

Posted by EarthDragon on 22nd August 2015.

Sandana are descendants of humans and various spirits of nature. Sandana have three distinct races: Barut, Sharru and Visnut. All tie very strongly to the natural world, as well as to the societies of humans. They are particularly offended by The Tainted Lands which surround The Unification as a result of the corruption of The Fallen.


Sandana tend to be serene and calm, attuned to their surroundings and at peace with the world. Their spirit ancestry gives them an awareness of the spirit world, and they show little desire to manipulate the world through magic. They manifest a love and enjoyment of life that many humans can only envy. Such tranquillity and peace dessert them in The Tainted Lands, and they develop a desire to manipulate the world there, either to destroy the corruption and taint, or to restore the land to what it once was, assuming the land can remember. Sandana in The Tainted Lands tend to be irritable and short of temper due to the foulness and disease of such places.

   Physical Description

Sandana look mostly human (for the most part, some look more elven). Their eyes are slender and their mouths are small. Their eyebrows are very thin, and their complexions are very pale or golden. They have no facial hair or body hair, but the hair on their heads is thick and luxurious. They appear in all the racial diversity of humans and elves (though the elven “look” is much rarer), and many come close to the ideal of beauty in the human or elven society in which they live.


Sandana typically live as part of human (or, sometimes, elven) society and are accepted as equals in such communities, even when their heritage is known. They are often members of families of humans or elves and may even have siblings who are entirely human or elven, with no trace of nature spirit influence in their makeup. At the same time, they are a part of the spirit world (which sometimes makes those who live with elves even closer to their elven neighbours and families), and they never feel completely at home in the mundane world of a human village or even city. Life with elves has an element of the spirit and the fey to it, so sandana feel, perhaps, somewhat more at home there, though they still feel slightly out of place sometimes. Being spirits, sandana tend to get along well with animara and they may also have friends and allies among other spirit races.


Perhaps because of their strong ties to the natural world, sandana tend to seek balance between extremes. As such, they tend toward neutral alignments.

   Sandana Racial Traits

   Barut Traits

Barut (being spirits of land), have the following additional traits:

   Sharru Traits

Sharru (being water spirits), have the following additional traits:

   Visnut Traits

Visnut (being sea spirits), have the following additional traits: