Halfling, So'van (Wild Halfling)

Posted by EarthDragon on 22nd August 2015.

Within civilised lands, halflings have largely died out, though nobody is entirely certain why. This is not to say the halfling strain does not exist in the world, merely that the more “civilised” examples of the race are gone. In their place, the world has so’van, the wild halflings of the mountains, forests and deserts, and the Loh’cet, or deep halflings, who live in and near the lands of dwarves.

Feral creatures who live in the mountains, deserts and forests, so’van are out of place in the cities of The Unification. Yet, as a wild creature held in a zoo can adapt to its surroundings, so too can a so’van find adventure in the cities as well as the wilderness.


Stories, song, and fine arts are of paramount importance to so’van, who have a rich oral history and collection of mythic tales. So’van often feel sorry for creatures who struggle for food in difficult times (or among the homeless in the cities), for they have little trouble finding either in their wilderness homes. This attitude often appears patronising and condescending to others.

   Physical Description

So’van stand about 3 feet tall and usually weigh between 30 and 35 pounds. Their skin is ruddy, and their hair is black and straight. They have brown or black eyes. So’van men often have long sideburns, but beards are rare among them and moustaches are almost unseen. They like to wear simple, comfortable, and practical clothes. A so’van reaches adulthood at 20, and generally lives into the middle of their second century. So’van often decorate their skin with war-paint, tattoos and piercings.


So’van have a mixture of pity and curiosity toward the people of the cities, but they’re socially aware enough to realise that they will always be a novelty to the larger races. After they’ve been among humans and other races for a while, most so’van overhear enough tales about cannibal so’van to last a lifetime. However, most don’t foul their dealings with those they meet by telling them that most of these stories are true.


So’van have no particular alignment preference, although those who travel to the cities have a tendency to be more chaotic than those who remain in their forest, desert or mountain homes.

   So'van Racial Traits